Yrgacheffe Melkalole Coffee is a distinctive African specialty coffee that has bright, balanced acidity. Bring out the liveliness of each cup with floral notes, while a smooth, pleasant sweetness unfurls in your mouth, leaving a satisfying sensation with every sip.
This Coffee from Ethiopia grows at an altitude of 2200 m. This exceptional variety is grown in central-eastern Africa and invites you to explore the most exquisite flavors and captivating aromas of Ethiopia.
This premium quality coffee is presented in a Doy Pack bag with high light protection, self-closing and with a degassing valve, which optimizes the conservation of all the aroma and organoleptic qualities of the coffee.
El Cafè Yrgacheffe Melkalole és l'etapa 4 del Safari pels Grans Cafès d'Etiòpia, un viatge imaginari per acostar-vos una mica al cafè més autèntic que existeix. Per això hem triat quatre de les zones cafeteres més representatives, amb els seus processos més característics, que de ben segur us faran gaudir d'un autèntic safari de sensacions cafeteres: Sidama, Kambata, Harar i Yrgacheffe.
Us hi apunteu? Agafeu les maletes, que marxem!